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Lesson 3: Personal Pronouns and the Verb To Be

Czech verbs use the conjugation system which means that each grammatical person (I, you, we etc.) has a unique form. In this long lesson, you will learn the most important verb TO BE (být) and its negative and question forms.

Personal Pronouns

Before we get to the actual verb, let’s learn the personal pronouns:


you (sg.)

to (it)

you (pl.)
For the pronoun it, there is also the word ONO which can be used instead of TO. However, it is not used commonly. A useful exclamation to learn is “To je ono!” meaning “That’s it!”
You can also encounter pronouns ONY (meaning they – feminine) and ONA (they – neutral). But for now, you need to know only ONI which is the universally used word for they.

You (sg.) and You (pl.)

Unlike English, the Czech language has two different pronouns for the pronoun YOU. Talking to or about one person, use TY. For more people always use VY. Look at the following examples:

These two people talk to each other using TY.
Ty jsi Tomáš.”

The people at the meeting talk to the rest of the group using VY.
Vy jste Alena, Petr a Jarek.”

Verb TO BE (BÝT)

Lets combine these pronouns with the verb to be (být).

já jsem
I am
ty jsi
you are (sg.)
on je (he is)
he is
ona je (she is)
she is
to je (it is)
it is
my jsme (we are)
we are
vy jste (you are pl.)
you are (pl.)
oni jsou (they are)
they are

There are some affirmative sentences to work with:

  • jsem muž.
  • Ty jsi student.
  • On je Tomáš.
  • Ona je učitelka.
  • To je hotel.
  • My jsme rodina.
  • Vy jste sestry.
  • Oni jsou rodiče.
  • jsem Petra.
  • Ty jsi cizinec.
  • On je táta.
  • Ona je máma.
  • To je miminko.
  • My jsme děti.
  • Vy jste ženy.
  • Oni jsou muži.

Omitting Personal Pronouns

As you can see, each grammatical person has a unique form of the verb, this is called conjugation. Therefore, personal pronouns are usually omitted and not used in everyday speech unless you need to emphasise the subject of the sentence. Examine the following examples without pronouns. The sentences are easy to understand even without using já, ty, my and oni.

Ahoj! Jsem Honza. (Hello, I am Honza.)
Ahoj! Jsem Honza.
Hello, I am Honza.
Jsi dobrý! (You are good!)
Jsi dobrý!
You are good!
Jsme kamarádi. (We are friends.)
Jsme kamarádi.
We are friends.
Jsou doma. (They're at home)
Jsou doma.
They are at home.

Throughout the lessons, you will be strongly encouraged NOT to use personal pronouns. You will sound much more natural without them.

The only personal pronoun which is always used is TO (it) (except for a few uses discussed in further lessons).

To je moderní auto. (It is a modern car.)
To je moderní auto.
It is a modern car.
To je zdravá snídaně. (It is healthy breakfast.)
To je zdravá snídaně.
It is healthy breakfast.

Forming Negatives

Negative forms are very easy to create. You only need to add a negative prefix NE- in front of the verb.

  • nejsem muž.
  • Ty nejsi student.
  • My nejsme rodina.
  • Vy nejste bratři.
  • Oni nejsou rodiče.

The only exception is the third person singular (he, she, it) whose negative form is NENÍ.

On není doma. (He isn't at home.)
On není doma.
He isn’t at home.
Ona není stará. (She isn't old.)
Ona není stará.
She isn’t old.
To není káva. (It isn't coffee.)
To není káva.
It isn’t coffee.
The regular negative prefix NE- is used also with all other verbs.

Forming Questions

Questions are also easy to form. Like in English, you only need to change the word order so that the sentence starts with the verb.

Je babička šťastná? (Is grandma happy?)
Je babička šťastná?
Is grandma happy?
Je ten muž mladý? (Is the man young?)
Je ten muž mladý?
Is the man young?
Jsou děti doma? (Are children at home?)
Jsou děti doma?
Are children at home?
Jsou lidé venku? (Are the people outside?)
Jsou lidé venku?
Are the people outside?

Again, remember to omit the personal pronouns! They would sound extremely strange when used in questions.

Jsem moderní? Ano! (Am I modern? Yes!)
Jsem moderní? Ano!
Am I modern? Yes!
Jsi rychlý? (Are you fast?)
Jsi rychlý?
Are you fast?
Je sladký? (Is it sweet?)
Je sladký?
Is it sweet? (TEN meloun)
Jsme tady včas? (Are we here on time?)
Jsme tady včas?
Are we here on time?
Jste studenti? (Are you students?)
Jste studenti?
Are you students?
Jsou v práci? (Are they at work?)
Jsou v práci?
Are they at work?

However, the Czech word order is more free than the one of most other languages. This means you can also create questions by using the affirmative word order, placing a question mark at the end and raising your intonation towards the end of the sentence.

  • To je čaj?
  • Ty jsi ředitel?
  • On je doma?

This is not recommended to the beginners as it requires practise. In this course, you will be usually required to form questions starting with a verb.

Forming Answers

There are two ways how to answer questions. Either short or long. In the short version, you never use the personal pronoun. The long version is actually a new sentence on its own and can include ten, ta, to when addressing something in the third person.

Je ta květina krásná? Ano, je. Ano, ta květina je krásná.
Je ta květina krásná?
1) Ano, je.
2) Ano, ta květina je krásná.
Je ta květina krásná? Ne, není. Ne, ta květina není krásná.
Je ta květina krásná?
1) Ne, není.
2) Ne, ta květina není krásná.
Jste zítra doma?
Jste dnes doma?
1) Ano, jsme.
2) Ano, (my) jsme dnes doma.
Jste zítra doma?
Jste dnes doma?
1) Ne, nejsme.
2) Ne, (my) nejsme dnes doma.

You may be tempted to say Ano, my jsme. or Ne, my nejsme. due to the English language influence. However, these forms with the personal pronoun are wrong!

Before you move on…

So far, this has been the longest and the most difficult lesson. Do not hurry to the next one and rather spend time reading it again and practising. If you have any questions, ask in the Discussion section below. Do not forget to revise all the vocabulary you have learn to this point.

Answer the following questions. (When you use adjectives describing yourself, use the correct gender.).
  • Jsi cizinec?
  • Jsi doma?
  • Jsi vysoký (vysoká)?
  • Jsi dnes šťastný (šťastná)?
  • Je máma mladá?
  • Je táta ředitel?
  • Je pivo zdravé?
  • Jsou rodiče doma?
  • Jsou kamarádi dnes v práci?
Form 6 short questions and answers using the following words: (Try using only the vocabulary you have learnt so far.)
  • snídaně
  • kamarád
  • učitelka
  • lidé
  • rodina
  • miminko
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Answer the following questions. (When you use adjectives describing yourself, use the correct gender.).
  • Jsi cizinec?
  • Jsi doma?
  • Jsi vysoký (vysoká)?
  • Jsi dnes šťastný (šťastná)?
  • Je máma mladá?
  • Je táta ředitel?
  • Je pivo zdravé?
  • Jsou rodiče doma?
  • Jsou kamarádi dnes v práci?
Form 6 short questions and answers using the following words: (Try using only the vocabulary you have learnt so far.)
  • snídaně
  • kamarád
  • učitelka
  • lidé
  • rodina
  • miminko