You can start learning Czech without any previous knowledge. Just follow the lessons one by one and do all required homework and exercises.

Lesson 0: Introduction to the Czech Language
The Czech language belongs to a group of Slavic languages and uses the Latin alphabet. It is spoken by approximately 10 million people and shares many grammatical features with Slovak, Polish and partly Russian.

Lesson 1: Grammatical Gender
All Czech nouns have a grammatical gender. There are three genders (masculine, feminine, neutral). Although there is no direct connection with the English, there are certain rules which help to memorise the gender.

Lesson 2: Adjectives
Czech adjectives end in long vowels and change according to the gender of the noun they are describing. There are four possible endings of adjectives in singular, all of which will be explained in this lesson.

Lesson 3: Personal Pronouns and the Verb To Be
Czech verbs use the conjugation system which means that each grammatical person (I, you, we etc.) has a unique form. In this lesson, you will learn the most important verb TO BE (být) and its negative and question forms.

Lessons 1 – 3 Revision
This special lesson reviews the first three lessons which introduced you to the basic grammar related to grammatical genders and how important they are for forming adjectives. You also learned how to use the verb “to be” in affirmative sentences, negatives and questions.

Lesson 4: Basic Question Words
Question pronouns are words such as What, Who, Why etc. They are used at the start of the sentence as in English. This lesson introduces the most common ones. You will also learn colours.

Lesson 5: Adverbs of Place and Word Order
Adverbs of place are words which help describe rooms and other locations. These are for example at the top, on the left, in the middle and at the back. These adverbs are also related to the word order whose introduction is in this lesson.

Lesson 6: Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are words such as This and That. In Czech, they are gender sensitive and have various forms depending on the distance from the speaker.